
Horror is wel echt mijn ding. Daarom ook heb ik een abonnement op het Amerikaanse maandblad Fangoria. Meer nog: ik verzamel oude nummers van dit bloederig magazine.
18 zoekresultaten gevonden met "Killers":
Fangoria#35 p.21 Rick Baker
The Wonder Years Part Two
Fangoria#53 p.38 The Father of The Blob
Maverick producer Jack Harris reminisces about space Jell-O, fourth dimension killers, John Landis' "Schlock" and other low-budget wonders!
Fangoria#64 p.24 The Thrill Killers
Fangoria#172 p.50 Bug Buster - Pass the Roach
Who ya gonna call when household pets turn into oversized, mutated killers?
Fangoria#204 p.48 Ed Gein Digs Up the Past
One of America's earliest serial killers receives another (and, they say, more accurate) screen showcase.
Fangoria#223 p.24 28 Days Later Stark Terror Now
This is the way the world ends: with a plague of infected, zombie-like killers.
Fangoria#260 p.60 Hannibal Rising Love and First Bites
Serial killers aren't born, they're made, and now we'll learn how one of the most famous got his start
Fangoria#283 p.14 Murder Loves Killers Too
Slasher gore the old-fashioned way
Fangoria#283 p.58 Paré for the Course
Actor Michael Paré's long career has encompassed ghosts, killers, Uwe Boll and other scary stuff.
Fangoria#285 p.57 Murder Loves Killers Too
Fangoria#289 p.58 Lesbian Vampire Killers Laughs at Stake
With a title like that, how could this British production not be sexy and funny?
Fangoria#290 p.66 Vampire Killers
Fangoria#293 p.38 Meadowoods - Murderous Points of View
Get deep into the minds of youthful killers via the latest found-footage fright flick.
Fangoria#295 p.54 Horror Hospital
Fangoria#296 p.46 Piranhaphernalia! Piranha 3D - Fish In Your Face
The razortoothed killers are back to bite you - but don't call this a remake.
Fangoria#300 p.35 The Fearless Vampire Killers
Fangoria#342 p.55 Killers
Fangoria#354 p.74 Murder Me, Daddy!
Why women love serial killers