
Horror is wel echt mijn ding. Daarom ook heb ik een abonnement op het Amerikaanse maandblad Fangoria. Meer nog: ik verzamel oude nummers van dit bloederig magazine.
7 zoekresultaten gevonden met "October":
The Bloody Best of Fangoria#0 p.46 Dark. Deadly. Danielle.
It doesn't have to be October for Danielle Harris to get into the "Halloween" spirit.
Fangoria#98 p.58 October
Fangoria#265 p.44 It's Halloween Again
And Rob Zombie is making sure you've never experienced an October 31 like this before.
Fangoria#282 p.75 Gays of Darkness
It wasn't always happy and gay creating his alternative-lifestyle fear fare.
Fangoria#296 p.49 The Science of Saw VII
A look at how the franchise's gore will really be in your face this October.
Fangoria#310 p.78 ZomBcon, October 21-23, 2011, Seattle, Washington
Seattle, Washington's ZomBcon
Fangoria#341 p.56 Master of Monsters
Comics legend Steve Niles continues to give back to the genre that has long inspired him.