
Horror is wel echt mijn ding. Daarom ook heb ik een abonnement op het Amerikaanse maandblad Fangoria. Meer nog: ik verzamel oude nummers van dit bloederig magazine.
19 zoekresultaten gevonden met "Predator":
The Bloody Best of Fangoria#7 p.28 Predator vs. Schwarzenegger
How to survive lethal snakes, foreign film crews, and -shudder!- unsatisfactory monsters.
Fangoria#98 p.11 Predator 2
He's a mean green mother from outer space, and he's back in Predator 2.
Fangoria#99 p.36 Predator 2 Stalks the Urban Jungle
The extraterrestrial hunter beats the Aliens to Earth and takes on Danny Glover on the futuristic mean streets of LA.
Fangoria#123 p.52 Predators
Fangoria#147 p.19 Alien vs. Predator
Fangoria#267 p.10 Alien Vs. Predator 2
The war comes to our home
Fangoria#268 p.52 AVPR Battle in Your Back Yard!
The tussling titans bring their monstrous battle to our civilization for the first time.
Fangoria#269 p.26 Brothers in Claws
The new battle between Aliens and the Predator is so big, it took two directors to oversee.
Fangoria#269 p.29 R is for Requiem
Whereas AVP went for an audience friendly PG-13 rating, AVPR resolutely goes for an R rating.
Fangoria#270 p.56 AVPR Leaner, Meaner Monsters
FX creators Tom Woodruff Jr. and Alec Gillis got the warring creatures into fighting shape.
Fangoria#271 p.70 Without Warning The Original Alien Predator
Stars-to-be and stars-that-were confronted an extraterrestrial hunter in Greydon Clark's cult chiller.
Fangoria#273 p.69 Aliens vs. Predator - Requiem
Fangoria#276 p.56 Memories of Stan
A homage to the FX great who took makeup and monsters to heights previously undreamed of.
Fangoria#291 p.16 Aliens vs. Predator
Battling back to your home
Fangoria#293 p.77 Aliens vs. Predator
Fangoria#294 p.6 Predators
On alien turf
Fangoria#295 p.26 Predators in the Midst
It's back to the jungle as everyone's favorite alien hunters target a fresh crop of human prey.
Fangoria#349 p.9 Hunting Down The New Predator
A comparison between the old and the new Predator outfit.
Fangoria#352 p.92 American Predator: The Hunt For The Most Meticulous Serial Killer Of The 21st Century