
Horror is wel echt mijn ding. Daarom ook heb ik een abonnement op het Amerikaanse maandblad Fangoria. Meer nog: ik verzamel oude nummers van dit bloederig magazine.
15 zoekresultaten gevonden met "Scanners":
Fangoria#4 p.64 Scanners
Fangoria#6 p.62 Scanners
Fangoria#7 p.61 Scanners
Fangoria#10 p.7 David Cronenberg's Scanners
Their thoughts can kill.
Fangoria#10 p.65 Scanners T-Shirt Contest
A Twisted Tale
Fangoria#11 p.8 Scanning with Stephen Lack
A talk with the young actor whose eyes can make you lose your head!
Fangoria#11 p.10 Heads-A-Poppin'
Tom Schwartz on the Scanners Makeup
Fangoria#11 p.59 The Scanners are Loose!!!
Competition. Relive the terror of Scanners with the Tower paperback book!
The Bloody Best of Fangoria#1 p.54 Chris Walas
The tale of a struggling make-up effects man who went from New World Pictures to Lucasfilms' ILM in just a year!
The Bloody Best of Fangoria#0 p.50 Scanners
Splatter Hall of Fame #6: David Cronenberg's "Scanners" mind-blower
Fangoria#114 p.34 Scanners II: The New Order
Fangoria#143 p.52 Scanners: The Showdown Gives Good Heads
They're promising more psychic violence than ever for the fifth venture into telepathic terror.
Fangoria#335 p.44 Scanners
Fangoria#338 p.34 Close Encounters With Michael Ironside
The actor has always taken his genre roles seriously, from "Scanners" to the new "Extraterrestrial."
Fangoria#346 p.76 Weird Sciences
As an actor and now director, David Hewlett has dealt with medical and technological nightmares.