
Horror is wel echt mijn ding. Daarom ook heb ik een abonnement op het Amerikaanse maandblad Fangoria. Meer nog: ik verzamel oude nummers van dit bloederig magazine.
5 zoekresultaten gevonden met "Sleepwalkers":
Fangoria#110 p.10 Stephen King's Sleepwalkers
These unknowns are eternally grateful for the small parts director Mick Garrie allowed them.
Fangoria#111 p.36 Sleepwalkers Awaken
Can an ordinary housecat defeat a mother-son team of bloodthirsty shapeshifters? Only Mick Garris, Stephen King and cameo-heavy cast know for sure.
Fangoria#112 p.32 Putting Sleepwalkers Through Their Paces
Murderous, insectuous cat-creatures who kill with sex... What's a nice guy like Mick Garris doing directing a film like this?
Fangoria#113 p.26 Cinema Cats and Dogs Part 1
Stephen King explores the genesis of "Sleepwalkers" and finally reveals what horrifies him the most - sequels!
Fangoria#114 p.25 Book to the Future Part Two
In which Stephen King deals with unbalanced fans, a cancelled TV show and looks forward to the day he doesn't have to write a novel.