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Mark Pacella


  • Clive Barker's Hellraiser 1B

    Pursuit of the Flesh - Part One After decades of acting as Hell's priestly servant, Pinhead has grown weary. Bored by tortures of the puzzle box, having solved the mysteries of the flesh, the iconic killer hatches a plan to claw his way free from hell. But to pursue his salvation as a human being,... [meer]

  • Clive Barker's Hellraiser 1A

    Pursuit of the Flesh - Part One After decades of acting as Hell's priestly servant, Pinhead has grown weary. Bored by tortures of the puzzle box, having solved the mysteries of the flesh, the iconic killer hatches a plan to claw his way free from hell. But to pursue his salvation as a human being,... [meer]

  • Clive Barker's Hellraiser: Collected Best II

    Best-selling author Clive Barker was born in Liverpool, England, and he began his literary career writing, directing, and acting for the stage. Following the publication of his short stories The Books of Blood in 1984, Barker went on to write numerous best-selling novels, including The Great and Secret... [meer]

  • Clive Barker's Hellraiser Spring Slaughter

    Inspired by the writings of Isadore Klauski (the first man ever to escape from Hell), three tortured souls prepare to wage war on Leviathan's legions. Garcia: a Priest, whose recent glimpse of Leviathan's Order was more than enough for him to shed the collar forever. Helen: a Nun, for whom a fragile... [meer]

  • Book of the Damned 2

    Between crudely hewn bookends carved of human obsession and firey desire, the Hellraiser mythos expands with the second Book of the Damned. In this new Apocrypha of unmatched horror from the worlds of Clive Barker, explore heretofore untouched annals of history in mankind's darkest closets. But beware;... [meer]
